Device Platform Intelligence

Platform Name CVE EOS EOL Type Network Manufacturer Country (HQ) Updated
Sun Check Point Firewall Security Appliance Sun Microsystems, Inc (Oracle) United States of America Feb 07, 2007
Sun SunFire Device Server Sun Microsystems, Inc (Oracle) United States of America Feb 07, 2007
Sun T300 Device Server Sun Microsystems, Inc (Oracle) United States of America Feb 07, 2007
Teltrend Router software version 7.7.2 Device Network Appliance Teltrend Inc. (Westell Technologies, Inc) United States of America Feb 07, 2007
U.S. Robotics NETServer Device IoT/OT USRobotics (UNICOM Systems, Inc.) United States of America Feb 07, 2007
U.S. Robotics NetServer/16 Device IoT/OT USRobotics (UNICOM Systems, Inc.) United States of America Feb 07, 2007
UNIX (Berkely) Device IoT/OT UUnet Technologies, Inc. United States of America Feb 07, 2007
Vbrick Device IoT/OT Vbrick United States of America Feb 07, 2007
VSAT Router Router VSAT SYSTEMS United States of America Feb 07, 2007
Wavecom MA4400 Manager IoT/OT Wavecom Portugal Feb 07, 2007
Western Multiplex TSUNAMI100-06 Device IoT/OT Western Multiplex Corp (Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.) United States of America Feb 07, 2007
Xyplex Device Server Xyplex (MRV Communications, Inc.) United States of America Feb 07, 2007
Xyplex CSERV-20 Monitoring System Server Xyplex (MRV Communications, Inc.) United States of America Feb 07, 2007
Xyplex SBK Remote Router Network Appliance Xyplex (MRV Communications, Inc.) United States of America Feb 07, 2007
Xyplex Xyplex software X.25 Gateway V1 3.2 Device Server Xyplex (MRV Communications, Inc.) United States of America Feb 07, 2007
DEC 900EF Switch Switch Digital Equipment Corporation (Compaq Computer Corp.) United States of America Feb 07, 2007
DEC AlphaServer 4100 5/30 Server Server Digital Equipment Corporation (Compaq Computer Corp.) United States of America Feb 07, 2007
DEC DECbridge Device Network Appliance Digital Equipment Corporation (Compaq Computer Corp.) United States of America Feb 07, 2007
DEC DECconcentrator 500 Concentrator IoT/OT Digital Equipment Corporation (Compaq Computer Corp.) United States of America Feb 07, 2007
DEC DEChub 900 Switch Network Appliance Digital Equipment Corporation (Compaq Computer Corp.) United States of America Feb 07, 2007
DEC DECrepeater 90TS Hub IoT/OT Digital Equipment Corporation (Compaq Computer Corp.) United States of America Feb 07, 2007
DEC DECserver 700-08 Server Server Digital Equipment Corporation (Compaq Computer Corp.) United States of America Feb 07, 2007
DEC DECserver 700-16 Server Server Digital Equipment Corporation (Compaq Computer Corp.) United States of America Feb 07, 2007
DEC DECserver 900TM Server Server Digital Equipment Corporation (Compaq Computer Corp.) United States of America Feb 07, 2007
DEC DECserver90M Server Server Digital Equipment Corporation (Compaq Computer Corp.) United States of America Feb 07, 2007
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